Even though there have been some efforts to mitigate climate change there are still events that contradict the common theme of trying to lessen the impacts of climate change. For example, after Russia’s invasion in Ukraine Shell withdrew from Russian oil and gas and reaped the benefits of higher prices for selling gas. They brought in record profits and kept it all for themselves. We are at a time where it is crucial to invest in cleaner energies and get away from using gas in transportation. Shell contradicts the goals of the world because they are not investing as much as they should be into helping the world. Also, even though the United States should be drilling less oil, “U.S. oil companies have increased drilling by 60% in one year.” Now, part of this increase is because our supply was cut off, but this should be looked at as a sign to move quickly into renewable energy sources and move away from drilling oil.
Furthermore, a contradiction to climate change is the fact that the Paris Agreement and other climate change documents, although have good intentions, are not being held to. There could be many different reasons why this is happening. It could be financial reasons, lack of awareness, lack of technology, or it seems like too big of a problem to solve. By making the choice to not fulfill our targets we are contradicting our own words and goals. The next contradiction in this analysis has to do with weather. Although more people are buying electric, and more people are starting to be more conscious of their carbon footprint, sea levels are still rising, food prices are still increasing, wildfires are becoming more frequent, crops are failing, and disease and sickness are becoming more prevalent. Although we are trying to head in the right direction and fix this issue, the climate is contradicting our efforts. Lastly, one big contradiction to this mission is the realization that companies are still making big gas guzzling SUV’s that do not focus on getting better gas mileage, and people are still buying them. This completely contradicts helping mitigate climate change and hopefully will not contradict our goals much longer.
Policy changes. A policy that limits or outlaws industries that pollute or are wasteful will drive companies worldwide to change their behavior. World leaders attend events to discuss their policies that have a global impact. The G20 Summit is one of the biggest gatherings of influential people in the world. Formed back in 1999, countries from around the world meet annually to discuss global policy on trade, health, climate, etc. It is comprised of the leaders of the most economically advanced countries and the countries with the fastest growing economies. It was where the world’s most influential policies determine the future of the global markets, making rules on how industries operate, and which are considered viable for the future. Being invited to this Summit sets forth the path for the future of your nation as well as relationships with the rest of the world. As the 2022 host country, Indonesia has attempted to center the agenda around three principles of post-pandemic macroeconomic policy: the architecture of global health, digital transformation, and the transition to sustainable energy. The energy crisis brought on by the conflict in Ukraine has resulted in food shortages, skyrocketing energy costs, and inflationary pressures that have strengthened the U.S. dollar at the expense of emerging market currencies that are losing value. Through the implementation of these principles, Indonesia will maintain its leadership position in advancing the digital economy, fostering sustainable and inclusive economic development, and guaranteeing fair access to COVID-19 vaccines. Maintaining the aspiration to further strengthen our collective ability to ensure shared prosperity among nations through a variety of global tax reform initiatives, stronger cooperation in the fight against corruption, increased infrastructure financing, and advocating for a more democratic and inclusive global cooperation. Policy also provides funding for climate initiatives, alternative energy research and development, and programs for research and launch into space. Now, industry can also be a driver. The trend towards electric vehicles and their price point has become very appealing. The public’s concern and willingness to make change also go into accelerating the switch from traditional fuel sources. Consumer behavior trends have a tremendous impact on moving the needle. Thus, in an instant, the entire business model and even the economy can swing depending on these trends. Lastly, we have the ultra-wealthy. There are billionaires willing to put their pride on the line for glory. In this case, it is the race to space and to dominate all space services. This results in a heavy investment into the technologies, generating more job opportunities and funding for the industry. It also spurs innovation, as more groups compete to be the top dog in this space. Competition spurs innovation.
Governments and individuals have taken it upon themselves to actively reduce carbon footprints and achieve the net-zero goal by 2050. Business people, especially those in the city, have become accustomed to environmentally friendly ways to have meetings such as phone/video call. This even occurs when meeting participants are geographically close to each other. When they must meet in-person, they likely will travel via public transport instead of adding their personal vehicle to the emissions problem.
In addition, people have been changing their diet through reducing their dairy and meat intake. Many studies, some based on vegan/vegetarian diets, have found that a plant-based diet that is high in fiber will bode well for the environment and an individual’s physical health. When comparing the carbon footprint between a carnivore, vegetarian, and vegan diet, it is found that a meat-centered diet will have an effect of 3.3 tons of CO2 each year versus 1.7, that of a vegetarian diet, and 1.5 that of a vegan diet. This means that the average meat diet will have a footprint about twice as large as a vegetarian diet. Therefore, a national or global trend towards a vegetarian diet would make a significant difference.
Some even go further to make an influence on a larger scale. For instance, protesting environmentally unfriendly practices in the eyes of the government continues to help make a noticeable difference. This can also be done by electing appropriate personnel, that prioritize the environment, to office. Countries such as New Zealand have passed zero carbon bills containing strategic plans to reduce carbon at a faster rate. Within the household, much can be done by a family to reduce its carbon-footprint. Shaving a few degrees off the thermometer and wearing warmer clothing or blankets will have an effect over time. Using low-power devices and light bulbs will reduce energy usage while supplying a family with the appliances they need. Finally, simply keeping the lights off when not in use or not needed will always help. Not only do these methods save money, but if most people in a community make this a habit, it can have exponential effects on the ongoing carbon crisis.
Some of the most efficient ways to reduce our carbon footprint as a society stem from our lifestyles and everyday habits. For example, being efficient with power and water usage will help. Turning off lights, televisions, and other devices when not in use will cut down on usage amounts and electrical bills as well. Keeping faucets on only when needed through reducing shower times and shutting off water while brushing teeth can help save several liters of water per household each day.
In suburban and urban areas, many people have taken advantage of mass transit, public/private bicycles, and walking to help reduce their carbon footprint. This is very effective in comparison to taking a personal vehicle to work or school each day. Side effects of fewer cars being on the street include less traffic, less fuel emissions in the atmosphere, and lesser travel times for vehicles that must be in the morning and evening commute. In areas where locations of interest are further away from each other, take advantage of carpooling with friends, family, and coworkers.
There are many organizations that support and or facilitate the planting of new forests as a long-term method of restoring the environment. However, since these younger forests cannot absorb carbon dioxide as quickly as the older ones, society must focus on the protection of the older ones whilst building new ones. This proves forest organization support to be one of the most helpful ways to fight climate change.
In recent memory, climate change has reached various new extremes each year. Disastrous events have been occurring more frequently, and they have been more intense than ever. New extremes are especially prevalent in wildfires. Scientists have known for decades that climate change has led to more common, larger, and more intense wildfires. Furthermore, information was found using data from Landsat satellites; an international team of scientists found a new connection between fires and global warming. They discovered that over the past few decades, wildfires in the western United States have been spreading to higher elevations because of the warmer and drier conditions that are undoubtedly associated with climate change. Historically, forest fires have been rare in high-elevation areas. However, when fires that occurred between 1984 and 2017 were studied, it was found that fires were moving to higher ground at a rate of just under 8 meters per year. This has been happening because previously, those areas of higher altitudes were too wet to burn, but now they are drier due to the warmer temperatures. This new extreme has drastic implications because many high-elevation areas in the western United States serve as “water towers.” Snow accumulates there each winter, melts, and then runs down to river valleys as a water source in the summer. These wildfires occurring at new extreme heights change that because they shift the snow accumulation, how it melts, and water quality. This affects about 60 million Americans who rely on this as a water source. Wildfires are just one extreme climate example of many that affect millions of people and their daily lives.
In addition to weather extremes, climate change has also led to new technological extremes. In an effort to mitigate climate change, scientists have been working relentlessly to invent new technologies, and many have come up. Northumbria University’s Dr. Shafeer Kalathil is among a team of academics who are behind the creation of a novel technology that can help tackle climate change. This new technology uses a chemical process that converts sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide into acetate and oxygen to produce fuels and chemicals powered by renewable energy. The focus of this project is to secure much-needed green energy supplies and to reduce the global dependence on fossil fuels. New technologies like this have had a greater importance in society due to the massive problem of climate change. This pressing issue has led to great extremes in many aspects and will lead to even more in the future.
Rarities are described as something rare or uncommon. Based on this, extreme weather events are considered to be rarities. Events of this caliber are not something we are used to based on the fact that they are not a part of the typical weather pattern. For instance, in 2021, extreme heat obliterated parts of the Pacific Northwest. Using multiple climate models, researchers from UCLA found that this severe heat disaster was a highly improbable event. Assistant professor of statistics and environment at UCLA even said, “Accounting for the fact that things have gotten warmer, and even given the amount of warming we’ve seen in the region due to climate change, this event still came up as a highly, highly unusual event.” This event and other similar extreme weather events are rarities in climate change due to their infrequency.
In many cases, what was once considered rare, is now common. Many years ago, severe weather incidents were considerably rarer and more unusual than they are now. Recently, they have become a lot more customary, and this trend will only continue. According to the IPCC, now and in the coming decades, extreme weather events will happen with various combinations of larger magnitude, increased frequency, new locations, or different timing. Therefore, with severe weather events happening more frequently and at a larger volume, it is not as rare as it was in previous years because we have all come to expect them. While, to a certain extent, rarities are present in climate change, there is nothing that would be truly uncommon due to the inconsistent nature of this issue.
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